Thanjavur Parampara
A Knowledge Portal on Tradition and Culture

Thanjavur Parampara  As guided and directed by Their Holinesses Pujyasri Shankaracharya Swamijis of Shri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham, a Knowledge portal '' has been set up for the purpose of bringing out the greatness of undivided Thanjavur district of Tamil Nadu, in a way which will impart historical knowledge, share the culture and tradition of the olden days and seek to establish curiosity and pride of the home land.

Towards this, the site will cover details of various sthalas (places) including their significance, the rich bhakti and vedic literature, temple festivals and other details.

The image gallery in the portal has a rich and diverse collection of 700+ photographs showcasing our rich culture and traditions.

The portal also features a series of articles highlighting important features of specific temples like Kshetra mahima, Stotras, Sthalapurana, temple layout etc.

Contributions are invited to the website from one and all in sharing information of a similar nature including photographs, latest news etc. Mail to

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